Readings and Pre-orders


I did my first reading from THE ANTIQUITIES HUNTER at BayCon in San Mateo over the Memorial Day Weekend and discovered a couple of things.

One is that there is a lot of crossover between the readership of SF & F and Mystery & Crime novels. When I announced the book release (remember October!) I saw folks excitedly writing down the information about the book—which is available for pre-order on Amazon right this very moment!

The other thing is that the novel works out loud! People laughed in all the right places, looked concerned for my plucky heroine as appropriate, and generally gave me their full attention and immediate feedback. Warmed the cockles of this writer’s heart. I suppose I do not need to tell you that I was tickled . . .  well, pumpkin, since I dislike pink.

I plan to read from the book again at WesterCon and possibly WorldCon if I am so privileged as to have a reading.

Jack o’ Lantern smiles all around.

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