I just wanted to say a heartfelt “huzzah!” in appreciation for everyone who helped make my debut book event at the Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology completely wonderful. You can see from the “featured photo” that my daughters, Kris and Amanda (aka Bunny and Panda) were part of the ensemble cast.
My son, Alex “Mouse” Bohnhoff was there as well, but seemed to have avoided cameras. Jeff did catch the mysterious Mouse hiding in the back of the room, behind my bestie, Vern, and Joey Shoji.
So, anyway, I’d like to thank the following folks:

My family, who helped pull it off, especially my adorable daughter-in-law, Nura, who arranged everything from event posters to candy treats for our guests and who ran Team Bohnhoff in assembling the space. My bestest friend in the world, Vern, and my goddaughter, Kaathlyn, who just happened to get caught in this shot with Nura.
My amazing friends in filk who performed at the event: Paul & Beckett, Kristoph & Margaret, and of course, my husband Jeff (man behind the iPhone) who’s put up with all this nonsense since Pegasus bought THE ANTIQUITIES HUNTER.

My wonderful agent, Trodayne, who flew out from New York to be there even though he had a week or so of important best man duties to perform immediately thereafter.
All the friends and folks who turned out to support me—thank you, so very much.
My thanks, also, to my editors, Merritt and Claiborne, for brainstorming the nifty idea of holding this event at an anthropology museum with Trodayne, my publisher for footing the bill and giving such great support, and lastly to the Phoebe Hearst Museum for hosting, especially Jessica Moreno, who was there in person to help out.
And I do not want to forget my friend, John, who endeared himself to my entire family by bringing coffee and breakfast noshes.

Here are some of the cool displays Nura organized.
I am hoping that there is more of Antiquities Hunter stories!!
Thanks for all your books!!
Thank YOU, Pam!
I’m hoping there will many more Gina Miyoko mysteries as well!